Why You Should Replace Your Fume Extractor Filters

Why You Should Replace Your Fume Extractor Filters

No matter your experience in welding, you definitely understand the importance of having clean air in the workshop. While it’s possible to get rid of toxins by opening a window or garage door, most welding environments require proper machinery to extract fumes.

These devices are quite straightforward to use, highly durable, and easy to maintain. However, regular work is necessary to keep up the efficiency of your equipment. Here are three reasons why you should replace your fume extractor filters regularly.

Better Efficiency

A successful welding business or weekend project relies on accurate, efficient metalwork with few stoppages. Every piece of welding equipment in the shop must operate at peak performance to ensure a productive work environment.

When your fume extractor malfunctions or stops entirely, you must spend valuable time inspecting and repairing the machine. With a regular filter change about every six months, your systems will successfully clean the air without any operational problems.

Safer for Yourself and Others

Ultimately, extractors serve to protect employees by removing toxins from the air. Clean filters allow these devices to accomplish this job more effectively.

Conversely, a clogged filter leads to unsafe amounts of toxins staying present in the workshop, and overexposure to these fumes causes great bodily harm to individuals. Even with proper personal protective equipment, poor air quality is a threat to all. Don’t slack on your filter changes because they could save lives.

Increased Equipment Longevity

Investing in a fume extractor is an excellent option for any welder or welding business, so it’s imperative to maintain a long-lasting device. The biggest culprit for system malfunctions are clogged filters that make the machine overwork and eventually break down. A simple filter change may make the difference between a successful extractor and a broken one.

Ultimately, maintaining safety is the reason why you should replace your fume extractor filters regularly. FumeDog prides itself on providing quality products that keep you and your workers safe from toxic exposure. Our wall-mounted and portable welding fume extractors stay out of the way while maintaining healthy air quality throughout the workshop.

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Check our fume extractors

Portable Weld Fume Extractor


Portable Weld Fume Extractor


Wall Mount Weld Fume Extractor


Wall Mounted + Filter


Fume Dog - Magnetic Wall Mount Weld Fume Extractor with Filter - (Bulldog-FILT-FLEX)


Wall Mounted + Magnetic + Filter


Fume Dog - Platen Downdraft Table Fume Extractor Image 5


Platen Downdraft Table Fume Extractor
